If dogs scratch themselves conspicuously often, this usually puts us on alert. Have you ever experienced this with your darling? The first thing we think about is vermin infestation. But it can also be caused by organic or psychological problems, or malnutrition. It is best to have your pet checked by your veterinarian first. If everything is in order from a medical point of view, you can use natural active ingredients – i.e. the power of plants – to provide your dog with relief and combat itching. Do you know the effect of witch hazel, nettle or birch?

Witch hazel is also particularly popular in skin care for people. Witsch hazel has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. But how can it help to naturally relieve your dog’s itching? By contracting the proteins (= components of skin cells), a protective layer is created on the surface of the itchy skin areas, which can counteract the inflammation and support the regeneration of the damaged skin. It is therefore logical that witch hazel should not be missing in CANELO Coat Care Spray and CANELO Paw Balm.

A side effect of itching can be flaky skin. This is where a herbal extract that was already very popular in hair care in grandma’s time helps – namely nettle water. Have you ever made it yourself? Besides stimulating hair growth, nettle extract has another great property: it has a hypoallergenic effect and is therefore ideal for treating itchy skin and after insect bites. With nettle extract, CANELO coat care spray contains another natural household remedy. By the way, in our factory we produce all herbal extracts according to old home recipes and some of the herbs even grow in our own garden.

Prolonged itching and the associated frequent scratching often leads to unsightly, bald skin. Here we count on the power of birch extract. Birch extract strengthens the hair roots and stimulates new hair growth. So that your dog soon has a strong, healthy and therefore beautiful coat again. Together with witch hazel and nettle extract, birch extract rounds off the effect of CANLO coat care spray.

Even if the cause of the itching cannot be found – with these three plant extracts the symptoms and accompanying symptoms can be significantly reduced and provide your darling with natural relief. Would you like to find out more about the herbal active ingredients in dog care for itching and dandruff? Our team – consisting of biologists, druggists, chemists and product developers – is always available to answer your questions.